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Mete Baysal
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Kurucu Ortak – Yeni ve Yenilenebilir Enerji Teknolojileri Grup Başkanı
E Plato Teknoloji A.Ş.
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In our article titled “Green Hydrogen and its Forthcoming Opportunities for Turkey”, we introduced green hydrogen (H2) in outline and underlined that it is one of the important elements of the new energy era, called decarbonization or the transition to clean energy.
In addition, we had mentioned it should be noted that H2, which we call an important feedstock and energy carrier or vector, is widely used in the production of NH3 and methanol (CH3OH) and in other industries, such as in the production and processing of iron and steel, petrochemicals and glass, and is not actually a primary energy source.
NH3, which is mostly used today (around 70%) in the production of nitrogen-based mineral fertilizers, will play a major role as one of the chemical derivatives of H2 in this transition to clean energy. The most important factors in this are:
- Being the carrier containing the densest H2 per unit volume by mass,
- Its logistics can be carried out cheaply and easily by using conventional transportation infrastructures and storage methods, and
- Its widespread and reliable use throughout the world for more than 100 years and the advanced and widespread application of usage standards and safety procedures within this framework.
In addition to its current uses, clean NH3 can be cracked and converted back into H2 when desired. Experimental studies are being carried out to realize this process, which currently requires intense heat at high temperatures, at low temperatures and with only the initial triggering external heat requirement through special catalysts developed. On the other hand, pilot studies and applications have begun for combustion in two- or four-stroke internal combustion engines on ships and in some power plants, either alone or mixed with main fuels or used jointly (in boilers or gas turbines). Successful results have been so far achieved and it is now being rolled out. In other words, in addition to its existing usage areas, NH3 can now be used both as an H2 carrier and as a new fuel in ships and thermal power plants.
In this article, I tried to avoid going into technical details as much as possible. There are many valuable detailed sectoral studies, academic publications and references that interested readers can easily access on a national and global scale. But first, I will try to outline the general characteristics of NH3, its basic units and definitions, production and consumption values on an international scale, and future projections.
Basic Knowledge:
NH3 is an inorganic chemical composed of hydrogen and nitrogen atoms that is colorless but has a pungent odor and is caustic to the skin in high concentrations. It is gaseous and volatile under atmospheric conditions; However, like LPG, it can be stored and preserved by keeping it in liquid form at relatively low pressures (for example, 6 bars at 10 °C and 9 bars at 20 °C).
In standard conditions (under 20 °C temperature and 1 atmosphere pressure), one cubic meter in the gas phase weighs approximately 700 grams. Its melting temperature is -77.73 °C and its boiling temperature is -33.33 °C. When liquefied under pressure, its density is 617.5 kg/m3 at 21.1 °C and 696 kg/m3 at atmospheric pressure at -33.33 °C. NH3, whose flash temperature is 132 °C, is volatile in gaseous state because its specific mass is smaller than air. Therefore, the risk of explosion in open areas or well-ventilated closed spaces is very low.
Highly concentrated forms of NH3 are highly corrosive and must be treated, transported and stored as hazardous material. NH3 is found in very rare concentrations in the soil and air on our planet and is also widespread within the solar system. NH3, found in biologically dead plants or animal waste, provides nitrogen, one of the basic nutritional elements for living things on earth, as a precursor to nitrogen-containing fertilizers.
When NH3 comes into contact with oxygen, water vapor (H2O) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are formed. Nitrogen oxides higher than a certain concentration are harmful to the environment and living things due to acid formation. Nitrous oxide (N2O), which is formed as a result of incomplete combustion, has a very high greenhouse gas effect (265 times that of carbon dioxide “CO2” in a 100-year period). This gaseous oxide, also called ‘laughing gas’, constituted 5% of human-made greenhouse gas emissions in 2018 (2.8 billion tons CO2eq “carbon dioxide equivalent”). In addition, especially NH3 in the soil can react with oxygen (O2) in the air and turn into extremely reactive nitric acids (HNO3), also known as vitriol.
The thermal content of NH3 is higher compared to other similar chemicals but lower than petroleum-derived fossil fuels. Its higher calorific value (HCV) is 15.4 and its lower calorific value (LCV) is 12.7 MJ/l (liter). If we compare it this way, the LCV of 1 liter of NH3 corresponds to 37% of the LCV of one cubic meter of natural gas in accordance with BOTAŞ specifications, or 30% of the LCV of one liter of diesel.
Note: 1 MJ (or Megajoule) = 1,000 Kilojoules = 1 Million Joules = 240 Kcal = 0.28 kWh
NH3 is the second most widely used chemical in the world, after sulfuric acid (H2SO4), and is produced and consumed at an annual rate of approximately 200 million tons. As the largest producer and consumer, China alone provides 30% of total global production. Natural gas is most commonly used in its production as 175 billion m3 per year, which accounts for 20% of global industrial natural gas consumption. NH3 is produced from natural gas with advanced steam methane reaction (SMR) technology. On the other hand, recently developed auto-thermal reactor (ATR) technologies, which have high carbon capture rates at very low operational costs because they contain high concentrations of CO2 in the process output, have begun to be used in the production of NH3 from natural gas, biomass and solid organic waste. This technology, which is anticipated to be widely applied in the effective use of CCUS (Carbon Capture, Use or Storage) technologies in the future, will be mentioned again in the later part of the article. China, on the other hand, obtains a large percentage of NH3 by gasification of coal. The total coal used in NH3 production on a global scale is around 75 million tons annually. This amount is 5% of global industrial coal consumption. A small amount of NH3 is also produced using H2 obtained from petroleum derivatives or by electrolysis of water. With these amounts, the energy used for NH3 production corresponds to 2% of global primary energy consumption (i.e., 8.6 Exajoules/year).
More than 70% of NH3 produced is used in the production of nitrogen-based fertilizer. Here, let us give you interesting information that today, more than 50% of the global population’s food needs are met by grains and other edible plants grown with nitrogen-containing inorganic fertilizers, especially NH3-based ones. Apart from this, it is consumed as raw material (feedstock) in the chemical and petrochemical sectors, in the production of plastics, synthetic fibers and explosives. Its global trade is widespread, and its annual export amount is 20 million tons as 10% of its total consumption. More than 200 tanker ships (which can also carry LPG) are used in NH3 transportation. The new LPG and chemical transport tankers are being made “ammonia-ready” and 130 new orders have been placed in shipyards by the end of 2022. More than 150 port facilities around the world have the infrastructure for NH3 unloading, storage, distribution and shipment.
Due to its extensive use of fossil-based feedstock and fossil-based process energy input, NH3 production is one of the industrial and chemical products that create the highest CO2 emissions intensity on a global basis. As one of the commodities with the most carbon emissions, with an average of 2.4 tons of CO2 emitted per ton of NH3, NH3 causes 450 million tons of CO2 directly and 170 million tons of CO2 indirectly to be released into the atmosphere every year (Carbon emissions intensity is 1.2 in iron and steel and 0.6 tons of CO2 in cement). The two biggest reasons for its indirect emissions are CO2 emissions from thermal power plants to produce the necessary electricity in the NH3 process, and the reactions of urea produced from NH3 using CO2 in the soil, releasing its CO2 content into the atmosphere.
In addition to being a commercial chemical widely used globally, NH3 offers serious opportunities as an effective low-emission H2 carrier and a potential fuel as an important product in the transition to clean energy. In order for these transitions to occur quickly and effectively, along with other low- or zero-carbon alternative fuels and chemicals, the following 5 criteria must be met:
- Scalability (or the ability to feasibly install commercial and large capacities in reasonable periods of time),
- Predictable and reasonable product/fuel prices at consumption points,
- Affordable installation costs (Capex),
- Potential to prevent greenhouse gas emissions on a significant scale,
- The volumetric energy density is feasibly high.
NH3 stands out as one of the candidates with the greatest potential as the only low-carbon or carbon-free alternative fuel that can currently meet these 5 criteria, although developments will take shape and become clear in the next 7-year period until 2030.
Below I share a comparison between low-carbon or carbon-free alternative fuels in a study commissioned by “Guidelinehouse Insights” by the startup company “Amogy”, which aims to generalize energy production with carbon-free fuels and its use, especially in the transportation sector:
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Fuel |
Scaling Assessment |
Fuel Cost as of 2030 (US$/toe*) |
Capex Cost Assessment |
Greenhouse Gas (CO2) Prevention (%) |
Volumetric Energy Density as LCV (MJ/L) |
Clean Ammonia (NH3) |
Perfect |
1,100-2,000 |
Good |
90-100 |
12,7 |
Bio-methanol (CH3OH) |
Weak |
790-1,740 |
Good |
50-65 |
16 |
MDO (Marine diesel oil) |
Weak |
690-1,950 |
Perfect |
40-75 |
33,3 |
E-Methanol (CH3OH) |
Good |
1,780-3,290 |
Good |
50-100 |
16 |
Synthetic MDO |
Good |
2,090-4,150 |
Perfect |
50-100 |
36,6 |
Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) |
Weak |
1,910-2,870 |
Weak |
90-100 |
8,5 |
Electric Battery |
Weak |
500-890 |
Extremely Weak |
90-100 |
1,6 |
* Per ton crude oil equivalent as energy content |
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NH3 is among the best in all parameters except volumetric energy density. Stating that there may be changes depending on the propulsion element to be used (especially if commercial viability of direct NH3 fed fuel cells is achieved), we can already predict that it will be widely used as an alternative fuel in all segments except small passenger vehicles in land transportation, and in ships in sea transportation. Its widespread use in the aviation industry, except for some special applications, is not considered possible. It seems obvious that it will be a serious option in energy production, especially for industrial purposes and electricity.
Low and Zero Carbon Emission Ammonia Production Technologies:
The first NH3 production started in the early 20th century with the electric arc method, which was very energy intensive and inefficient. But the Haber-Bosch method process was developed just afterwards remained almost unchanged and evolved into today’s production technologies. The energy inputs required for the product and process have almost reached the lowest theoretically possible levels.
In the Haber-Bosch method, in simple terms, H2 obtained from water by electrolysis or by cracking fossil-based fuels or biomass and nitrogen (N2) produced from air are synthesized through a catalyst (iron) in a high temperature and pressure environment to produce NH3. This method has been widely used around the world for more than a century, as it is a very intensive process with CO2 emissions when fossil-based inputs are used as both energy and feedstock.
But if we provide the H2 required for the product, the separation of N2 from the air, and the energy for the process from renewable or clean sources, we can produce clean products with low or zero carbon.
The CO2 density of the H2 we obtain through electrolysis depends entirely on the way the input electricity is produced. Here, we can only produce H2, which contains close to zero CO2 emissions, when renewable energy sources such as hydraulic, wind, solar or geothermal or electricity produced in nuclear power plants are used. If we produce N2 with the electricity provided from these sources and also provide the electricity and other energy inputs required for synthesis from clean sources, we will eventually produce zero-emission NH3.
We have stated that NH3 is most commonly produced from natural gas using the STR (steam methane reaction or reforming) method, and secondly, from coal through gasification. As a result of both fossil resources and process energy inputs, intense carbon emissions were occurring. If we can capture and permanently store this CO2 using CCS methods, the NH3 produced by this method will also have nearly zero carbon content.
We can divide the CO2 emissions that occur during the process or in energy production into two with a simple classification:
1) Volumetrically dense (concentrated),
2) Low density (dilute) CO2 emissions.
When fossil fuels are burned by mixing them with air, which is almost 80% N2 on a volumetric basis, in proportions higher than the stoichiometric requirement, whether for the production of steam or hot water/oil in a boiler or for the production of electricity in a prime-mover such as an internal combustion engine or gas turbine, the resulting CO2 in the exhaust is present in very sparse amounts. Likewise, in Haber-Bosch syntheses with new and advanced SMR processes, instead of producing N2 in the air separation unit (ASU) and giving it to the NH3 reactor, N2 is released directly by cracking the air at very high temperatures and then synthesis is carried out. Here too, relatively dilute CO2 is formed after the reaction. On the other hand, the more CO2 is concentrated in an exhaust stream, the more CCS technologies can capture it at higher rates and lower costs. Capturing dilute CO2 with high capture rates involves technological difficulties and can be done at very high costs. For this reason, keeping CO2 emissions at high levels at the output of production processes containing advanced SMR may bring technological and economic difficulties. On the other hand, in Haber-Bosch syntheses that produce H2 with ATR (auto-thermal reforming) technologies, which have much lower external energy inputs other than feedstock, and synthesize using N2 coming directly from ASU, CO2 outputs are quite intense and can be captured at high rates and at low costs.
We have said that the Haber-Bosch production method requires high total energy input in the form of feedstock and for the process. In the SMR method, a certain part of this energy can be recovered as waste heat and used for other purposes, or it can be converted into electricity through a steam turbine and contribute to meeting internal electrical needs of the process. Since ATR is already designed to meet its own energy needs at maximum rates, it does not contain significant amounts of waste heat to be recovered. In the “Ammonia Technologies Road Map” report prepared by the International Energy Agency (IEA) at the end of 2021, the energy consumptions of production technologies that are widely used on a global scale and are expected to come to the fore in clean NH3 production in the coming period are classified as gross and net, with feedstock, fuel (heat) and electricity classification together with and CO2 emission intensities of the product NH3 are tabulated as follows:
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Feedstock |
Fuel (Heat) |
Electricity |
Steam (Minus means recovery) |
CO2 Emission Intensity |
GJ/t |
tCO2/tNH3 | |
Natural Gas (NG) SMR |
21 |
11,1 |
0,3 |
-4,8 |
32,4 |
27,6 | 1,8 |
25,8 |
2,1 |
1 |
0 |
28,9 |
28,9 | 1,6 |
Coal Gasification (GT) |
18,6 |
15,1 |
3,7 |
-1,3 |
37,4 |
36,1 | 3,2 |
21 |
11,1 |
1 |
-1,3 |
33,1 |
30 | 0,1 |
25,8 |
2,1 |
1,5 |
0 |
29,4 |
29,4 | 0,1 |
Coal GT w/ CCS |
18,6 |
15,1 |
4,9 |
2,6 |
38,6 |
41,2 | 0,2 |
Elektrolysis |
0 |
0 |
36 |
-1,6 |
36 |
34,4 | 0 |
Biomass GT |
18,6 | 16,5 | 1,4 | 0 | 36,5 | 36,5 | 0 |
Methane Pyrolysis |
40,5 | 0 | 8,4 | -1,6 | 48,9 | 47,3 | 0 |
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When the weight of the currently installed NH3 production technologies in total annual production amounts is examined, taking into account the ages of the facilities, the possibilities of retrofitting and/or modernization of the facilities in general, and the data in the table above, compiled with the following information, the following conclusions can be drawn:
- The number of NH3 production facilities operating worldwide is around 550, and their total installed capacity is 250 million tons/year.
- The average facility age is around 25 years. However, older facilities are established especially in Europe (the average age is 40 and above) and North America, and partly in Russia and the former USSR countries.
- Relatively new NH3 plants are operating in South Asia and Asia Pacific, Africa and South America, especially in China and India. China’s average facility age is approximately 12 years old, which is comparatively quite young.
- The technical lifespan of NH3 plants is in the range of 20-30 years, and the lifespan can easily be increased to 50 years with equipment improvement, retrofitting and general modernization works.
- Since the process criteria in SMR and coal gasification plants are relatively flexible, CCS technologies can be easily adapted and integrated.
- ATRs are more rigid technologies. However, their share in the total installed capacity is currently low. Again, CCS integration can be seamlessly done.
- While production capacities of 200-1,200 thousand tons NH3/year are widely established in SMR, ATR and coal and biomass gasification technologies, capacities in electrolyzed technologies are in the range of 10-510 thousand tons NH3/year.
- Although methane pyrolysis is a promising zero-carbon emission technology, it is a question mark to what extent the carbon (carbon black) it produces can be materialized on a commercial scale. Otherwise, its application will be limited as it is an expensive process with high energy density.
- ATR technologies will be preferred for new facilities with natural gas input. Likewise, we can predict that new biomass NH3 production facilities will mostly use these technologies. Installing additional ASU units will bring additional capex and opex costs (although low in percentage terms). However, the fact that it requires much less external fuel supplement for the process and provides high carbon capture rates with much lower capex and opex costs puts ATRs one step ahead of SMR technologies in clean NH3 production.
- Although NH3 production from coal through gasification is decreasing proportionally on a global scale, it will continue in countries such as China and India, which strategically prioritize coal as a domestic source of primary energy needs. However, we expect that the construction of new coal-fired NH3 production facilities will decrease here and that existing facilities will be primarily equipped with CCS systems wherever adaptable.
- Clean NH3 production using renewable electricity through electrolysis will increase rapidly all over the world, starting from the West. However, it is inevitable that this increase must be public-supported (with incentives and subsidies) for a long time. Since the capacity utilization rates (CUR) of electrolyzed NH3 plants fed directly with variable renewable electricity (VRE) remain very low, their economic performance also decreases significantly. CURs can be increased by purchasing low carbon intensity electricity from various VREs via the national grid. However, in this case, it will be necessary to significantly expand the capacities of the transmission and distribution networks and to create additional grid-scale electric battery and/or H2 storage capacities. While this necessitates a serious investment budget need, it will also be inevitable for construction times to extend over many years, especially in the West.
- The implementation of some new NH3 production technologies, which are not on the list and are still being studied at laboratory scale, on a commercial scale could be a game changer. The most important of these are bi-directional solid oxide electrolyzer (SOEC) electrochemical technologies, whose input and output are NH3 and electricity and which can be used as both electrolyzer and fuel cell, electric SMR technologies, low-temperature catalytic synthesis technology, and NH3 production from atmospheric air and water through biological enzymes.
What Will Be the Common Uses of Low and Zero Carbon Emission Ammonia in the Global Decarbonization Process?
The amount of NH3 used as a feedstock in fertilizer production will increase limitedly, thanks to the widespread use of efficient agricultural practices, especially in developing countries, and much more effective fertilization within this framework. However, its use in other industrial applications and as a fuel will increase steadily in parallel with the growth of population and per capita income.
Since the most important purpose in the use of NH3, which has low and zero carbon emissions, is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially CO2, and to eliminate them as much as possible, it will initially replace fossil fuel-based NH3 in existing areas of use. In this context, clean NH3 will gradually begin to take its place in the chemical industry, where it is used as a feedstock, first in fertilizer production, and in other industrial applications. Based on various projections made according to the threshold years for this gradual transition, the use of clean NH3 will be 12 million tons per year (mtpa) in 2030 and 420 mtpa in 2050 (according to the NZE = Net Zero Emission Scenario, Argus Media / IEA). It is expected that the majority of the consumption of clean NH3 in 2050, which is anticipated to replace fossil-based NH3 mostly beginning from 2030s, will result from its use as a clean H2 carrier and an alternative to petroleum-derived fuels.
On the other hand, due to its various advantages, NH3 has started to come to the fore as a good H2 carrier, especially in long-distance pipelines and large-scale land and sea transportation of clean (green or blue) H2. We can see these advantages comparatively in the table below:
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NH3 | H2 | |
Explosion risk (of admixtures) in the air |
None |
High |
Detection of leakages |
Easy |
Difficult |
Ease of transportation |
High |
Low |
H2 mass density |
Relatively high |
Very Low |
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If we do not consider the CH3OH alternative for now due to its carbon content, three options stand out for the reliable and economical transportation of H2 in high quantities to long distances: 1) LH2, 2) LOHC (Liquid organic hydrogen carrier), and 3) NH3. NH3 has obvious advantages over the others among these three alternative carriers, which all are safe to store and transport when handled in accordance with the rules and procedures. These are: i) The total “net” unit energy spent for its formation and cracking is the lowest, ii) The transportation and storage infrastructure already exists and can be adapted and expanded at very low costs, iii) An existing and high-volume market where it will be used directly without being converted into H2, iv) Considering the developed technologies, it can be converted back to H2 in a practical way and with less energy consumption compared to LOHC.
The fact that it has the highest energy (H2) density per unit volume (in liquid) and mass also makes NH3 prominent in storage options. It can be stored in pipes (line-packs) and tanks above ground, and in some underground storage applications, for long periods of time without any leakage or loss. Below you can view a comparative infographic showing storage times and average costs with other alternatives, including electric battery applications, as part of a study conducted by Fertilizer Europe last year:
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As can be seen from this infographic, NH3 is the only technical solution along with LOHC and H2 with regards to longer-term energy storage especially for more than 24 hours. But considering the costs, -although it may vary depending on specific projects- it generally provides a clear advantage in comparison to other two.
Turkey’s Current Ammonia Production and Low and Zero Carbon Emission Ammonia Production and Export Opportunities in the Future:
As of today, NH3 is produced by 4 private sector companies in Turkey. Searching onthe organization’s websites, we noticed that the total installed capacity was around 850 thousand tons/year. However, no clear information could be found about production technologies and actual annual production amounts. It is estimated that they are SMR and based-on natural gas feedstock. A total of 1.4 million tons of NH3 was imported in 2020, mainly from Russia, Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria, and due to the significant increase in natural gas prices starting from 2022, domestic production has decreased further. We estimate that it is compensated by cheaper imports and the majority of the need is met especially through Russia.
In any case, our country has a substantial NH3 production and consumption infrastructure. When the amount of domestic natural gas increases, especially in the spring and summer months when residential consumption decreases, it may be preferred to direct natural gas to existing production facilities with CCS integrations, produce NH3 with low carbon emissions, and thus gain serious carbon credits by meeting domestic needs first.
As is the case with clean H2 production, creating new renewable electricity capacities for export purposes and using them in zero carbon emission NH3 production will not be very attractive for the next 10 years. We can primarily use zero-emission renewable electricity directly for our current needs and in electric vehicles – without suffering losses through conversions – and thus consume it efficiently and effectively by substituting fossil fuel electricity production and gasoline and diesel oil used in transportation to reduce our carbon footprint, starting from imported fossil fuels.
NH3 production with zero carbon emissions using ATR technologies from organic solid (domestic) waste and other biogenic wastes brings an important export opportunity for Turkey, as in clean H2 production. First of all, if we can establish such facilities in our industrialized and densely settled cities with shipping infrastructure (such as Istanbul, Kocaeli, Izmir, Bursa and Adana), we can convert domestic and industrial organic and fossil-based waste into NH3 in the most efficient way, without harming the environment by capturing and disposing CO2 emissions. We can export clean NH3 to Europe with high added value. In our preliminary evaluations, we anticipate that a minimum of 5 million tons of NH3 with a zero-carbon footprint can be produced annually with this setup.
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New Technologies and Applications in Future Uses of Clean Ammonia:
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Bi-directional SOECs may be the most potential game changer of any new technology. Thus, large-scale combined power plant and battery units together with NH3 storage volumes of appropriate capacities can be built and operate at high-capacity usage rates constantly feeding the grid. Furthermore, individual power plant applications based on VRE that can operate uninterruptedly in island mode in remote areas can be developed at affordable costs and effectively with. These configurations can also be adapted to microgrid applications, increasing availability and reliability especially when operating independently of the grid.
In order to use NH3 as fuel in internal combustion engines, serious changes are required in the combustion technology and systems of the engines. Due to the low cetane number and low flame speed, these transformations are very difficult, especially in small gasoline (spark ignition, Otto cycle) engines where combustion occurs with high speed and at stoichiometric air content (fuel-air mixture ratio is around “1”). However, adaptation can be done more successfully in two-stroke engines with low speeds and large combustion chambers (compression ignition, Diesel cycle). NH3 is burned by first igniting a pilot fuel in the pre-combustion chamber and the flame beam formed there. Although pilot fuel is generally diesel, as it causes, albeit small, greenhouse gas emissions, studies are being carried out to use H2 instead. It is planned that OEMs will deliver new two-stroke engines that can burn 100% NH3 on ships starting from 2024, and that the conversion of old engines will be carried out by making the necessary modifications with standard designs and equipment, starting from 2026.
In maritime transportation, where two- and 4-stroke internal combustion engine technologies are most widely used, by 2022, more than 100 thousand large ocean-going ships (tankers, container and dry cargo carriers) are currently sailing and around 300 million tons of petroleum-derived fuel is consumed annually. Within the framework of the European Union’s (EU) FuelEU initiative, ships are encouraged to use green H2 in EU waters at a rate of 2% in 2025 and 80% in 2050. This is expected to be achieved largely through low or zero carbon emission NH3 produced using clean H2. In other words, a serious production capacity needs to be created with the widespread use of low or zero carbon NH3 in maritime transportation. As a matter of fact, projects have begun to be developed to supply low or zero carbon NH3 at important transit points of global sea routes, such as the Suez Canal.
Many turbine manufacturing companies (OEMs) are working on a national and international scale in collaboration with government organizations and institutes to burn NH3 directly in gas turbines. These pilot studies, which are carried out as a mixture with main fuels in aeroderivative turbines with relatively small powers, are being tested using 100 percent NH3 in industrial type turbines with large installed capacities. In addition, mixing it with main fuel and burning it in boilers is being tested in pilot applications. Two issues need to be overcome here: i) Increasing the volumetric flow rate of NH3, which has a comparatively lower energy density, at the entrance of existing combustion systems and minimizing its thermodynamic and strength effects in the combustion chambers and drive systems, ii) In addition to those arising from the combustion air, N2 contained in fuel must be eliminated to prevent harmful NOx emissions into the atmosphere. To avoid NOx formation before and during combustion, OEMs are developing new technologies and testing the use and adaptation of the necessary new equipment. In any case, again using fuel NH3, NOx emissions in the exhaust outlets can be scrubbed by incurring relatively low and reasonable additional operating costs through SCRs (Selective Catalytic Reactor), which have been widely used for many years.
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